Think about it.......

" To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation." - Yann Martel in 'Life of Pi'

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ayo drama rama rama

So my official blogging time is fixed at two vacations in a year and don't say am a workaholic thats wats got me busy. This time it was my bro's marriage and heavens what a family drama, good enuf to be redirected as a premiere Bollywood movie. It had enuf ingredients for one of the KK soaps too ...minus the rebirths and err...some such metaphysical story twists. There was the annoying saas, the untold pasts, the clueless relatives, the wily servants and luckless guests. Some edited parts of this drama would be delivered to us soon in a video version titled "Marriage video". More of that later though right now the most pressing drama in the now substantially expanded family is who holds the TV remote, between mom's fav soaps, dads IPL matches, bros movies and bride's...err..she's still a blushing bride "won't fight for the remote yet but has to take sides...whose", wait I am in...I want that remote to watch all those dance shows. Got to get back to that. bye

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