For once its raining heavily and the ubiquotous umbrellas are back in fashion. I remember as a child i would hate wearing the hot raincoats and fight to carry an umbrella as a child. I pictured it as one of the most amazing things grown-ups could own.(Yes I tried to fly with it, use it as a parachute, even flaot in it) I was proud of my first umbrella while in high school. Then the umbrella fashion industry dawned on me, there were kids with pretty umbrellas they could tie on their head as a headband, there were those shaped like a cap, whistle at the bottom, pretty handles. But the industry for adult umbrellas woeful. Just about manual and automatic umbrellas.
Then came the revoultion with tow-folds, three-folds and miniature umbrellas. The best were the ones that could be safely tucked out of sight, fit into a pocket. Not to be seen till it rains and easy to carry. From flowery the colours became unisex, bold single colours, silver on the underside.
A few years down it was back to "show me the umbrella honey". Big, oversized large umbrellas that could fit in the whole family. Then it moved back to the original wild west types, showy with cane like handles and frilly borders, in more colours than ever. Now its the a means of advertising, so the friendly bank will give you one in their colours and their name proudly declared on it when you open a new account, even the local kiranna wala will give you one, . On your way to work you know which company that guy or gal is going to, she has a employee umbrella of course with the industry name in big bold letters.
I have always had the tuck away three-fold umbrellas and had my eye upon the new long ones. so when my company offerend me one I readily gaily happily took it. Trouble started from day 1. The large umbrella got in the way when moving through crowds. Agreed its big so protects from rain, but in a crowd you don't get wet due to rain, you get wet due to the water dropping from other umbrellas. I quetly folded away mine and accepted the fate.
Day 2 -Reach the station. Its raining. Time to open the umbrella, but, you got to straighten the umbrella point it up and then open it. How do I straighten it in a milling crowd. I managed to eke out some space and thanked all my lucky stars for two things 1- I was a girl, and, 2- The person whose bottom I poked was a girl too. Whew!
Then those everyday troubles - where do I park my umbrella. It wont fit in the sink. In the bucket it upturns and upsets everything, I have to hold it high above my head like a tribal doing a war dance, everytime someone wants to walk pass me byinbetween the train seats, i can't place it on the luggage rack and then........i pointed at some vegetables i wanted to purchase using the umbrella (my hands were full), the vegetable vendor was offended and refused.
And then...on the way to an overnight business trip my husband insisted I carry it along (could be used for protection like a cane! I slept cuddled with the umbrella in my arms. My husband is jealous, not beacuse i cuddled, he loves the big umbrella and vies for one, but he won't take mine, hates the idea of being a billboard. He won't escape for long tho, i have my eyes set on his tiny many fold umbrella that fits well into his pocket. Aah imagine I could simply squeeze it into my jeans pocket on a Friday or hide it away in my gunny bag (large office bag). And maybe just maybe forget it some place and then drench in the rain. Oh how joyful getting wet in the rain.
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